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发布:2024-12-07 浏览:0


  Forest resource asset assessment refers to the behavior and process in which assessors analyze and estimate the value of forest resource assets under specific purposes and conditions based on relevant laws, regulations, and asset assessment criteria on the assessment reference date, and provide professional opinions. This evaluation is an important component of asset valuation, which involves determining the market price of certain forest resources that meet asset conditions.


  The characteristics of forest resource asset assessment include:

  政策性 :评估工作受到国家相关政策的严格规定,如《国有资产管理办法》、《森林资源资产评估技术规范(试行)》等。

  Policy oriented: Evaluation work is strictly regulated by relevant national policies, such as the "Measures for the Administration of State owned Assets" and the "Technical Specifications for Forest Resource Asset Evaluation (Trial)".

  技术性 :评估需要运用科学方法和技术进行,包括现场勘察、数据收集和分析等。

  Technical: Evaluation requires the use of scientific methods and techniques, including on-site surveys, data collection, and analysis.

  专业性 :评估人员需要具备林学专业技术素质和财务、统计、审计实践经验。

  Professionalism: Evaluators need to possess professional technical qualities in forestry and practical experience in finance, statistics, and auditing.

  综合性 :评估工作涉及多方面知识,需要优化组合,相互取长补短。

  Comprehensiveness: Evaluation work involves multiple aspects of knowledge, requiring optimization and combination to complement each other's strengths and weaknesses.

  时效性 :评估结果只在一定期限内有效,通常为评估基准日起一年内。

  Timeliness: The evaluation results are only valid for a certain period of time, usually within one year from the evaluation benchmark date.

  规范性 :评估过程需要按照一定的规范进行,确保评估结果的真实性。

  Normality: The evaluation process needs to be conducted according to certain standards to ensure the authenticity of the evaluation results.

  公正性 :评估人员应当是与资产业务没有直接利益关系的第三者,确保评估的公正性。

  Fairness: Evaluators should be third parties who have no direct interest in the asset business to ensure the fairness of the evaluation.

  权威性 :评估结果将作为资产经营和产权变动的依据,具有权威性。

  Authority: The evaluation results will serve as the basis for asset management and property rights changes, and have authority.

  责任性 :评估结论应当真实可靠,评估人员需要承担相应的法律责任。

  Responsibility: The evaluation conclusion should be truthful and reliable, and the evaluators need to bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

  风险性 :评估结果具有一定的不确定性,评估机构需要对评估结果负法律责任。

  Risk: The evaluation results have a certain degree of uncertainty, and the evaluation agency needs to take legal responsibility for the evaluation results.


  The content of forest resource asset assessment mainly includes:

  基本情况 :包括地理位置、气候、土壤、交通条件、当地居民生活水平等。

  Basic information: including geographical location, climate, soil, transportation conditions, local residents' living standards, etc.

  评估对象与范围 :明确评估的森林资源种类、面积、林班等。图片1

  Assessment object and scope: Clearly define the types, areas, and forest classes of forest resources to be assessed.

  评估目的 :说明评估的具体目的和对象。

  Evaluation purpose: Explain the specific purpose and object of the evaluation.

  评估基准日 :选定用于计价的基准日期。

  Evaluation benchmark date: Select the benchmark date for pricing.

  评估依据 :包括国家相关法律法规和评估规范。

  Evaluation criteria: including relevant national laws, regulations, and evaluation standards.

  评估方法 :按照国家相关规范进行。

  Evaluation method: Conduct according to relevant national regulations.

  评估过程 :包括前期准备、现场评估和后期报告工作。

  Evaluation process: including preliminary preparation, on-site evaluation, and post reporting work.

  森林资源清查情况与结果 :以调查结果为主,并附报告。

  Forest resource inventory status and results: Based on the survey results, with a report attached.

  评估结果 :具体至价格,并用人民币结算。

  Evaluation result: Specific to the price, and settled in RMB.

  评估说明 :包括报告的具体说明、时间和附件的效力等。

  Evaluation explanation: including specific details of the report, time, and effectiveness of attachments.


  Through these assessments, the value of forest resources in a region can be comprehensively understood, and reasonable measures for protection, utilization, and management can be formulated.

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