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发布:2024-08-27 浏览:0

  Preface: On the blue planet where humans can survive, forest resources are like brilliant emeralds, sparkling with vitality and endless energy. They are like the green organs of the earth, nourishing the growth of all things and injecting a continuous stream of vitality into this ancient land. However, in the face of increasingly severe environmental challenges, the protection and sustainable utilization of global forest resources have become particularly urgent.
  In the context of global climate change, forests, as one of the most important natural resources on Earth, play an indispensable role. They are not only a treasure trove of biodiversity, but also the main force of carbon sinks, which are of great significance for regulating the Earth's climate, protecting soil and water, and maintaining ecological balance.
  1、 Global Forest Resource Status: The Lung of the Earth in Asthma
  森林覆盖了大约四分之一(26%)的总陆地面积,在支持生物多样性、气候调节和人类生计中所扮演的关键角色。根据世界自然基金会(WWF)最近的《2023森林路径报告》(Forest Pathways Report 2023):2022年,全球森林砍伐面积达到1630万英亩,其中原始热带森林损失占1010万英亩。这一数字几乎全部发生在热带地区。如果不采取紧急行动,热带森林将开始作为碳源而非碳汇,加剧气候变化的压力。特别是考虑到130多个国家在联合国气候变化大会(COP26)上承诺到2030年停止并逆转森林砍伐——鉴于当前的趋势,这一目标似乎越来越难以实现。
  Forests cover approximately a quarter (26%) of the total land area and play a critical role in supporting biodiversity, climate regulation, and human livelihoods. According to the recent Forest Pathways Report 2023 by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the global deforestation area reached 16.3 million acres in 2022, with 10.1 million acres of primary tropical forests lost. This number almost entirely occurs in tropical regions. If urgent action is not taken, tropical forests will begin to serve as carbon sources rather than sinks, exacerbating the pressure of climate change. Especially considering that over 130 countries have pledged at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) to halt and reverse deforestation by 2030- a goal that seems increasingly difficult to achieve given current trends.
  Forests play an irreplaceable role in addressing the climate crisis and developing sustainable economies. According to statistical data, global forests are decreasing year by year, with a large number of forests being cut down, cultivated, or degraded. This trend is particularly evident in tropical rainforest areas, causing many rare animals and plants to lose their habitats and posing a serious threat to biodiversity. At the same time, natural disasters such as forest fires and pests and diseases occur frequently, causing greater losses to forest resources. Despite facing numerous challenges, forests play a crucial role as major carbon sinks in mitigating climate change and maintaining biodiversity. Faced with the environmental challenge of continuous loss of forest coverage, the international community needs to make joint efforts to protect and restore forest ecosystems, which is crucial for achieving global sustainable development goals.
  2、 The Important Value of Forest Resources: The Multiple Missions of Forests
  Forests are one of the largest biological communities on Earth, maintaining climate stability by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. At the same time, forests can also maintain soil and prevent natural disasters, creating a livable environment for humans.
  《世界森林状况》报告展示了全球森林资源的广泛数据,并讨论了人类与森林的互动,同时提出了减少森林砍伐的策略。该报告强调了森林在绿色复苏、构建包容、韧性和可持续经济中的潜力。当前全球森林砍伐的速度和强度的显著增加,使得到2030年保护和恢复森林的努力偏离了轨道。此外,WWF的一项全球森林生物多样性评估《Below the Canopy》显示,自1970年以来,森林栖息地野生动物种群平均减少了超过一半(53%)。这一发现突显了生物多样性的重要性,以及森林野生动物在维持森林健康和生产力方面的关键作用。
  The State of the World's Forests report presents extensive data on global forest resources and discusses the interaction between humans and forests, while proposing strategies to reduce deforestation. The report emphasizes the potential of forests in green recovery, building inclusive, resilient, and sustainable economies. The significant increase in the speed and intensity of global deforestation has derailed efforts to protect and restore forests by 2030. In addition, a global forest biodiversity assessment by WWF, "Below the Canopy," shows that since 1970, forest habitat wildlife populations have decreased by an average of over half (53%). This discovery highlights the importance of biodiversity and the crucial role of forest wildlife in maintaining forest health and productivity.
  Forest resources have multiple missions, including their importance in maintaining the ecological balance of the Earth, supporting economic development, providing essential goods for life, and promoting cultural diversity. They are not only hotspots of biodiversity, but also play an irreplaceable role in the global carbon cycle, and are crucial for the protection of water resources and soil and water conservation. To achieve sustainable development of human society, protecting forest resources is the key to safeguarding the future of the earth. The profound significance of forests for the sustainable development of the Earth and humanity in the future requires action to protect and restore forests.
  3、 Challenges and Response Strategies: The Strategy of Guarding the Green Fortress
  The ecological environment problem ultimately stems from the unreasonable development and utilization of natural resources. Natural disasters such as wildfires, hurricanes, and pest infestations continue to cause damage to forests, while illegal logging and land degradation are resource and environmental issues directly caused by human activities. These challenges not only threaten the survival of forests themselves, but also pose a serious threat to global ecological balance and human well-being. Faced with the severe challenge of forest resources, global cooperation and comprehensive response strategies are particularly crucial. In terms of international cooperation, it is necessary to strengthen cross-border communication and cooperation mechanisms, and jointly formulate and implement stricter forest protection laws and policies. Through international organizations and multilateral environmental agreements such as the United Nations Forum on Forests and the Convention on Biological Diversity, efforts of countries in forest conservation can be effectively coordinated to jointly combat illegal logging activities and promote the trade and use of sustainable timber. Meanwhile, international financial assistance and technological support are of great significance in helping developing countries achieve sustainable management and restoration of forest resources.
  Education and media play an irreplaceable role in enhancing public awareness and social participation. Through educational programs and public awareness campaigns, we aim to raise people's awareness of the importance of forest conservation and encourage their participation in forest conservation and regeneration activities, such as afforestation and community forest management. At the same time, technological innovation has provided new technological methods for forest conservation. By utilizing advanced technologies such as satellite remote sensing, drones, and big data analysis, real-time monitoring of forest cover changes, fire incidents, and illegal logging activities can be achieved, providing scientific and accurate data support for forest management and protection.
  在全球化的今天,森林资源的守护已经不再是某个国家或地区的私事,而是全人类共同的责任。随着科技的进步和国际合作的加强,我们有理由相信,通过全球共同的努力,可以有效地保护和恢复森林资源,实现人与自然的和谐共生。让我们携手合作,共同迎接守护森林资源的挑战,为地球和人类的未来开创更加绿色、健康、和谐的篇章。(王然 中国地质调查局廊坊自然资源综合调查中心)
  In today's globalized world, the protection of forest resources is no longer a private matter of a certain country or region, but a shared responsibility of all humanity. With the advancement of technology and the strengthening of international cooperation, we have reason to believe that through global joint efforts, forest resources can be effectively protected and restored, achieving harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. Let us work together to meet the challenges of protecting forest resources and create a greener, healthier, and more harmonious chapter for the future of the earth and humanity. (Wang Ran, Langfang Natural Resources Comprehensive Survey Center, China Geological Survey)
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